Sunday, September 6, 2009


Marriage has truly been amazing so far......we have learned a lot, have done many things we never thought we would or could do, and have fallen deeper in love because of it. Now, here comes the baby carriage!
From the beginning of July, I had not been feeling that great. We went to Atlanta, had a BLAST, but especially at Six Flags, I needed to rest every few minutes. For those of you who know me well, you know that I GO GO GO, and for me to sit down was killing me! :)
Eric and I have always talked about having precious little ones with our genes, but our plan was to start trying this coming March. Instead of trying this March, God decided he was going to give us a baby in March! Actually, March 14th! Our second anniversary! How cool is that!
On July 14th, when I woke up, I told Eric Iwas going to buy a pregnancy test just to rule that out b/c like I said, I had been feeling weird. So, I went to the store, bought the test, and decided right then that I needed to take it. Well, I took both of them in the box, and it says to wait 3 minutes, friends, those tests took 10 seconds, and then they both said PREGNANT! I could NOT believe it! I took a huge deep breath, and first said OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am going to be a mommy, then I thanked God for the awesome miracle he gave us, and then I called Eric. We went to have lunch together, and as soon as he got in my car, I looked at him and started to cry! I handed him the pregnancy tests, and we both looked at each other and smiled with JOY! Eric said, "Are you serious? Really? What a blessing!!" That was the sweetest response ever! I thought to myself, this is why I married this man!!! He is precious!
Well, we were going to wait the normal 8-12 weeks to tell our families, but we were toooo excited, we told them 2 days later! We figured that God would take care of us and the baby, and we were so blessed to have gotten pregnant, that we just could not wait!
So far so good, I had a rough first trimester with the nausea, but not it is gone (hopefully!) and I have LOTS more energy! Yesterday I cleaned the whole house, had friends over, cooked a dessert, and still was wide awake when they left! That rocked!
Well, I will keep you updated on this little bundle of joy we call, "Baby J" (for Jackson!)
We cannot WAIT to see what the Lord has in store for us, becoming parents is going to be sooo amazing!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Marriage and Kayaking, Who Knew? we went Kayaking on Saturday. It was so much fun, but, I do have to tell you, it took teamwork. When we got there, we had to listen to the instructor give us a mini lesson on how to row your paddle, and how to be safe while in the kayak. So, after the info session, we were well on our way to a fun filled kayak trip!
So, the instructor asked us who wanted to be in the back, because the back was really the MOST important seat b/c it has the thing that turns the boat left or right, basically, the steering wheel of the kayak. So, of course, being the wonderful wife I am :), I said, Baby, why don't you take that seat. You will be great at that!
Well, throughout the trip, I kept telling him baby, turn left....oh, turn right.....a little to the left.....back to the all get the drift! :)
Instead of letting him guide me, I kept requesting for him to turn us.
So, after a few looks of "Baby I've got this" I quieted down, and enjoyed the ride.
After I put my trust in him, everything went very smooth. We started working very well together...we had teamwork.
On our ride to Barberitos for lunch, I started thinking of the similarities between Marriage and Kayaking. For starters, people who kayak will tell you, it is important to have a Safe Foundation. Basically, getting into shape, facing and managing fear, and acquiring good judgement. WOW! marriage is the same way! If you have a firm foundation in Christ, everything will be ok. It is not easy, but through Christ, marriage rocks!
Secondly, Training. People who kayak will tell you, and if you have ever been kayaking, you need to be trained (not intensely, but you need a little info session before you go out). As in marriage, being trained is so important! Before Eric and I got married, we would try to hang out as much as possible with couples who were happily married. We would ask them questions about marriage....real life questions.......hard times.....happy times.....anything we could think of. I like to think of this as our training. Of course, no one can be over-trained for kayaking or marriage...we are constantly learning new things!
Next, travel safely through teamwork. You have to work as a team when kayaking. Like I said, the seat in the back is the "most important" seat. You also have to row the same. You have to communicate. This is also true in marriage! WOW! Just think how amazing every marriage would be if everyone acted like they were on the same team, "rowing the same boat", and communicating!
Lastly, fine tuning your strokes throughout the years. For kayaking, just like anything, you have to fine tune your strokes. You have to practice....practice....practice. This is also true about marriage! Fine tuning our "strokes". What makes each other tick? What is our spouse's love language? What do they need? In our first 15 months of marriage, I have learned that it is not about me, it is about my sweetie. What makes him happy? What does he like to do? What do I need to do for him? This I would say, is fine tuning your strokes. Fine tuning your marriage!
so, you think about it.....are marriage and kayaking similar? What do you think?
Thanks for reading...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Where has the time gone?

The first thing I would like to say, is THANK YOU my friend KARA for encouraging me to write in my blog by writing in yours and posting it!! You rock! it has almost been a year since I have written on my blog!! WOW!! A lot has happened since my last post....well, for starters, I am teaching Kindergarten now! I loved loved loved my job at The Chapel, but God had a bigger plan, and totally picked me up and placed me at the most wonderful school ever, and might I add, I have the BEST principal in the world!! I have never worked for anyone that was so kind and passionate for the kids and the teachers. She is such a blessing! Also, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary in March! WOW! Already a year! We cannot believe it! We had a great year, learning a lot about each other, and WHEW! We made it through our first year. God is good!!! ALL THE TIME!
My best friend had a baby, Marilyn, she is gorgeous! Also, we finished all of the flooring in the house!!! That was a miracle in itself!!!
Love you all my friends and fam!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Best Year of My Life

So, some people spend their entire lives finding something that they like to do. Most people do not enjoy their jobs, and it becomes more of an obligation, not fun and exciting!

Well, a year ago, I started at the Chapel, and I have learned more in the past year than I could have ever imagined!

So, for starters, I have learned that God can use us no matter who we are. We are all servants, and He choses what we do. I have also learned that in order to do what He wants us to, we have to submit to His authority. I have had many hard times in the past year, especially with my family, but God is so good and He got me through the times when I thought I was not going to make it. Children's Ministry is a Passion that stirs inside of me.

I have to say the kids here at the church are seriously hilarious! We did a unit on Esther, and at the end of the month, the children got to dress up and we had a celebration. We explained to the children that we were celebrating Esther freeing the Jews! Well, one of our precious little ones was here visiting at the office, and we were playing in the children's building that particular morning. I asked him if he wanted a juice, and he said, wait Miss Kate!!!!! Esther freed the Juice! She freed the Juice!!! I about fell out I was laughing so hard!
So, did you know that Esther not only freed the Jews, she also freed the juice! hahahaa
Did I mention I love my job!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cousin FUN Day!

When I was young, all of my cousins got together for a "Cousin Fun Day" where we played games, mostly relay type, and had a great time! Then we "won" a trophy! Well, now all of us are grown-ups!! YUCK! So, we decided to have one this past Saturday for all of the cousin's kids! We had so much fun! It is so crazy, but now, all of the cousins (except 3 of us) now have children of their own, so this was a great time to get together and let all of them meet and play together! I think the HIT was the water balloons! They loved throwing those and hitting the ground--or each other!
SO, I will have to say, after being around all of my cousin's kids, it makes me want one, or two!!!!
It was so great to see everyone! It is amazing how much time flies! I was looking around and I realized, man, I am old! hahaaa
It is so important to savor the time spent with family and friends!
What a Blessing!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hannah Montana 3-D~What?

Elliot, my wonderful niece will be turning 4 in a couple of weeks. It is so hard to believe!
Well, she is now into Hannah Montana! She LOVES everything about Hannah Montana and Disney Princesses. So, they are coming to visit this weekend, and I was made aware that there is a 3-D Hannah Montana movie coming on Saturday night and we HAVE to watch it! but there is a catch.....we HAVE to wear 3-D glasses! HILARIOUS! I LOVE this!
Kids, you gotta love them! Can't wait to have one!
Kate is for the birds!

Ok, so far Eric and I have done so much to the house! (or should I say Eric has) Painting almost every room, putting up crown molding, hanging many pictures, and the list could go on.
Well, a few weeks ago the washing maching FLOODED our wonderful, beautiful, hardwood floors! We were walking in inch deep water. We then knew that we were going to have to get new wood floors! So, we have for weeks been picking out flooring, and finally decided to do tile in the kitchen, and wood in the den. So, our house is crazy, and needless to say Eric and I have no fingernails left! We fixed up a room in our house for Eric, it is his Georgia room. You know, men need a place where they can go to get away from it all, where they can relax, have no noise, their laptop, and a cold sweet tea. That is my hubby, he LOVES his GA room. Well, now it has become our GA room, with two laptops, two sweet teas, and it is not quiet b/c Kate likes to talk to Eric when she gets home from work. So, that is our one common room where we can be together, until this flooring gets finished! :) The kitchen is almost finished, and the den, well that is another story.....for now, I will leave you with that. Love to ya! Kate